miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2014

My Sweet Dollie

My Sweet Dollie

Aprovecha estos últimos días para visitar Funny Puppet Fair, encontraras entre muchas otras cosas, este outfit muy divertido y colorido y también en diferentes colores de Masoom, las muñecas como veis, son de Follow US, dos de ellas detalladas abajo también se encuentran en dicha feria, y para terminar he optado por esta pose del pack 133 de Focus Poses.

Take advantage of these last days to visit Funny Puppet Fair, you will find among other things, this fun and colorful outfit and also in different colors Masoom, wrists, you see, are Follow U.S., two of which are detailed below are also in this fair, and finally I opted for this pose pack Focus 133 Poses.


Hair: little bones. Les Garcons
Outfit: [[ Masoom]] Dollie Outfit-  froggy Funny Puppet Fair ((Masoom))
(exclusive for Funny Puppet  fair)
Pose: :: Focus Poses Model 133_2 :: Focus Poses

Furniture and Accesories:

1- !! Follow US !! Gothic puppet theater  (medium) Funny Puppet Fair ((Follow US))
2- !! Follow US !! My Sweet Dollie (medium)  Funny Puppet Fair ((Follow US))
3- !! Follow US !! My Best Dollie (medium) Funny Puppet Fair ((Follow US))
4- !! Follow US !! My Gothic Puppet (medium) Funny Puppet Fair ((Follow US))
5- !! Follow US !! Voodoo puppet theater (medium) Funny Puppet Fair ((Follow US))
("Funny puppet fair" :  exclusive items available from 11 to 25 May)

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