lunes, 16 de junio de 2014



Os dejo este vestido veraniego que nos trae Rams Wear, disponible en mas colores, las sandalias con detalles florales igual en mas colores de Topazia, y la pose de Juxtapose.

I leave this summer dress that brings Rams Wear, available in more colors, like sandals with floral details Topazia in more colors, and the pose of Juxtapose.

Hair: .:EMO-tions:. * MIRIAM * /black
Dress: RKW25-Rams Wear-Valery yellow Rams Wear
Sandals: TOPAZIA- walk in the flower ( poppy edition )  orange Topazia
Pose: Juxtapose - Telling Stories The Thirft Shop ((Juxtapose))

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