domingo, 20 de abril de 2014

Faro you brighten the word

Faro you brighten the world

Nos vamos a lisboa, junto al faro, y disfrutamos de sus vistas, para este post, me he recreado con una canción de uno de mis grupos favoritos, Revolver y su faro de lisboa. 
Os traigo este vestido muy sensual y veraniego, que podéis encontrar en Vero Modero, en este y mas colores.

We go to Lisbon, near the lighthouse, and we enjoyed their views, for this post, I've recreated a song from one of my favorites, Revolver groups Lisbon and its lighthouse. 
I bring this very sensual and summer dress, which you can find in Vero Modero, in this and more colors.

Hair: *booN WMO003 hair black/chocolate/purple
Dress: [VM] VERO MODERO / Flaming Dress Salmon NEW [VM]
Accesories: Swallow Butterfly Tangerine
Bangles: Bangle RiT Gold
Poses: The Muse Poses - Constantine [VM]  

*La Place : La Caprese

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