sábado, 5 de abril de 2014

Wishing well

Wishing well

Y para terminar la noche, os muestro este Outfit nuevo que acaba de sacar Vero Modero, en el que incluye, pantalones, camisa, bolso, chaqueta y botas, no te lo pierdas! además sienta genial, sientete guapa.

And to end the night, I show that this new Outfit Vero Modero has just released, which includes pants, shirt, bag, jacket and boots, do not miss it! also feel great, feel beautiful.

Hair: . Liquence . - F2 in Dark Browns
Necklace: ::LEONARD:: VINTAGE BUFFALO ~NECKLACE~ (Group Gift 30l join) Leonard
Outfit: [VM] VERO MODERO / Spring Coat Set  Cream NEW!! 
(includes pants, shirt, coat, boots and bag) [VM]

*La place: La Caprese

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